Make a Donation
Making a "General Donation" to the Kiwanis Club of Aurora.

Donation to the Kiwanis Club of Aurora
$4,235.00 Raised
By making a donation to our organization you help extend our ability to continue our mission into the future.
Annual Installation Dinner
$1,020.00 Raised • 17 DonorsInstallation Dinner at the Aurora Country Club.
Classic Membership with 3% service charge
$1,390.50 Raised • 3 DonorsClassic Membership of $450 plus credit card service charge of 3% ($13.50)
K-Lite Membership with 3% service charge
$1,158.75 Raised • 5 DonorsK-Lite Membership of $225 plus credit card service charge of 3% ($6.75)
Senior Membership with 3% service charge
$164.80 Raised • 1 DonorsSenior Membership of $160 plus credit card service charge of 3% ($4.80)