Pancake 2025 Sponsorship

$0.00 Raised   •   0 Donors

Pancake Day 2025 Sponsorship
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing our World one child and one community at a time. Kiwanis Club of Aurora is a 501c3 charity organization.
Individual $300: 10 complementary tickets, name on all table tents, throughout the dining room.
Business $1000: 15 complementary tickets, name AND logo on grill, as well as all marketing and promotional material.
Golden Pancake Sponsor Level $10,000 [one maximum slot]: 30 complementary tickets, additional available upon request, commemorative event mug, name AND logo on all marketing and promotional materials, elevated exposure at event, invited to set up a promotional desk at event lobby. Invited to be a guest flipper at the coveted custom Kiwanis Pancake Day Grill, additional complementary ad on placemat used at Pancake Day, Kiwanis Golf Outing, and weekly meetings throughout the year!

Donate here with your Kiwanis Pancake Day 2025 Breakfast Sponsorship donation.
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